[TYPO3-dev] TER goes cloud - call for beta testers

Steffen Gebert steffen.gebert at typo3.org
Tue Sep 2 18:54:52 CEST 2014

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Dear Stefan,

thanks for your feedback.

> must it be an Amazon server?
No, of course not! If you can suggest us other pull-based CDNs (which
fetch the content from our server), we're happy to investigate.
I looked at CloudFlare, but they require us to move our whole DNS
infrastructure into their DNS services. Fastly bills at least 50USD
per month. Akamai is AFAIK very expensive.

> I actually would prefer a server constellation which is - more
> "greenish" and
How do you define that?

> - more in a "my data owes to me" way.
You mean own? Well.. we own the data, because the CDN fetches it from
our server. We can change the CDN provider at any time. Also, all the
data is publicly available. There's nothing about loosing privacy.
And the basic idea is to distribute the data to many servers that are
globally distributed. We don't own many servers around the world, so
we can't have our own CDN.

Kind regards

- -- 
Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 Server Administration Team Member

TYPO3 .... inspiring people to share!
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My wish list:

On 02/09/14 18:44, Stefan Padberg wrote:
> Hi,
> thank you for this initiative.
> I don#t know whether this is a concern in the TYPO3 project but:
> must it be an Amazon server?
> I actually would prefer a server constellation which is - more
> "greenish" and - more in a "my data owes to me" way.
> Do you know what I meen?
> Best regards Stefan Padberg
> Am 02.09.2014 um 18:33 schrieb Steffen Gebert:
>> Therefore, I have now set up a distribution inside the Amazon 
>> CloudFront CDN for http://ter.typo3.org that uses the main
>> typo3.org repository as backend.
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