[TYPO3-dev] 6.2: Form Viewhelper Submit ignores Action Name after Update

Gernot Schulmeister gernotschulmeister at gmx.at
Fri Oct 3 16:12:03 CEST 2014

Hello Till,

the reason for that the update action is not called and that you stay in the edit action after submitting the form might be that the Tx_Hplusinfo_Domain_Model_ServiceangebotGruppe $gruppe model is not valid anymore? 

In 4.6 only the model itself was validated in 6.2 also all related submodels are checked.

I would also go to the sysext/fluid/Classes/Core/ViewHelper/TagBuilder.php line 174 and look what kind of array causes the error. Maybe this gives you a hint to the reason of the failure.

best regards

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