[TYPO3-dev] Extbase: Extension for creating new CTypes

Raphael Weber mailinglisten at screensolutions.de
Fri Nov 21 11:20:16 CET 2014


I've started developing a TYPO3 Extension (v6.2) to add Custom Content 
Elements based on tt_content.
I've already created the required folders/ files and configured the 
plugin by editing ext_emconf.php, ext_localconf.php and ext_tables.php. 
Recently I created the first controller class and tried to extend the 
Extbase class AbstractPlugin (like css_styled_content):

namespace Screensolutions\SsCustomCes\Controller;

use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;

class ThumbnailteaserController extends 
\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Plugin\AbstractPlugin {

Unfortuanetely this is producing following error message:

#1202921619: Invalid controller 
"Screensolutions\SsCustomCes\Controller\ThumbnailteaserController". The 
controller must implement the 

Can you please explain me how I get this working or what´s the best 
practice to add custom ctypes?
My internet research to this topic sadly was not very successful; the 
only useful tutorial I found was this one, but it seems to be a little 
bit outdated:

At the risk of the problem is not the controller, I paste the contents 
of the configuration files here:


if (!defined('TYPO3_MODE')) {
	die('Access denied.');

	'Screensolutions.' . $_EXTKEY,
	'Bootstrap Thumbnail Teaser'

'Configuration/TypoScript', 'Custom CEs');


$TCA['tt_content']['types']['sscustomces_thumbnailteaser']['showitem'] = 



if (!defined('TYPO3_MODE')) {
	die('Access denied.');

	'Screensolutions.' . $_EXTKEY,
     array('Thumbnailteaser' => 'show'),
     array('Thumbnailteaser' => ''),

Hope you`ve got a solution for me!

kind regards,

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