[TYPO3-dev] parsing TSconfig in BE-module?

Torsten Schrade schradt at uni-mainz.de
Fri Mar 14 19:13:40 CET 2014

Hi Bernd,

> I don't want hardcoded variations for these 4 pages but a configuration 
> which can handle all kind of stuff.

Just found this thread. Some years ago I had the task to write a BE 
module that was able to import lots XML files with irregularly 
diverging node structures to different pages in the pagetree. I came up 
with the idea of using TypoScript for the import configuration in the 
TSConfig field to parse the stuff because then the configuration could 
be inherited to subpages but also changed very easily to adapt to the 
current XML file's structure. In a way a similar use case to yours only 
in the other direction. The code is quite oldish but maybe it can be a 
source of inspiration, so I've just pushed it to Github for your 


The points that might be interesting for you are the backend TSFE:


and it's usage in the main index.php, function extractRecordsFromXML 
lines 1103/1104.

Cheers and good success,

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