[TYPO3-dev] Add pictures / files directly to sys_file table, ...

Christian Reiter cr at cNOSPAMxd.de
Tue Jun 10 12:23:06 CEST 2014


as Frans has stated - if you are using the normal tt_news plugin, that 
does not connect to FAL.

So if you want to create old-school tt_news records with images/files 
you need to place copies of the files in the uploads/ folders.
Just look at some existing manually created tt_news records and their 
file locations and you will see how this works.

Otherwise you can in principle also use FAL with tt_news.

There is an extension called "dam_ttnews" which makes tt_news work with 
DAM files/images instead of copies in uploads/pics.

You can take this code and rewrite the DAM part for displaying the 
images and put in the FAL TCA backend code.

Then yoü have a "fal_ttnews", this works and is a solution if you want 
to continue to use tt_news (because you have huge amounts of working 
legacy features added to it that can't be transferred to tx_news) but 
you still want to profit from FAL. Or if you were already using 
dam_ttnews in TYPO3 4.x and want to migrate to 6.x/ DAM to FAL but don't 
want to "downgrade" tt_news to old-school file management.

Best regards,


Am 09.06.2014 22:41, schrieb Dirk Ho:
> Hi all,
> I want to parse our member newsletters, send via mailman, in a cronjob
> script and add them directly to the typo3 database and add them as a
> tt_news entry.
> Therefore I need to know, how the tables work and are related. I guess I
> have to put the file to upload anywhere in fileadmin and add this path
> to the sys_file, also. For each file I also add an entry in file_metadata.
> What do I have to add to sys_file_reference, sys_file_processedfile,
> sys_file_collection, sys_filemounts to be able to reference the uploaded
> file in tt_news table?
> It would be great if you could help me to get this work.
> Thanks and best wishes,
> Dirk

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