[TYPO3-dev] How to access TER as JSON/XML/SOAP/...?

Christian Zenker typo3 at xopn.de
Tue Jul 15 14:54:09 CEST 2014


TYPO3 gets the list of extensions from [1] (that's what is in the  
cache_extensions table afterwards) This is probably the easiest solution  
and tailored for your use case.

Alternatively you could query the SOAP API with something like [2], but  
that is way more complicated to use if you just need the list of current  
extension versions given by the XML above.

There is no JSON file for extensions at the moment, but already a request  
for it [3].

Best regards,

[1] http://typo3.org/fileadmin/extensions.xml.gz
[2] https://github.com/czenker/Typo3ExtensionUtils/tree/dev-2.0 (use  
"dev-2.0" branch!)
[3] https://forge.typo3.org/issues/56462

Am 14.07.2014, 15:38 Uhr, schrieb Garvin Hicking <gh at faktor-e.de>:

> Hey,
> I want to create a small helper script that tells me which extensions on  
> several installations need updating. For that, I'd like to get a list of  
> all TYPO3 extensions, preferrable as JSON.
> I figure there already is such a list, because the em extension does  
> make use of it - from what I gather through the use of   
> typo3.org/wsdl/tx_ter_wsdl.php. Since I cannot find real documentation  
> on this anywhere: Does anybody have a SOAP/WSDL/whatever snippet on how  
> to get such a list, or can someone point me to the actual parts of the  
> sysext/em/ extension where this fetching magic happens?
> Thanks,
> Garvin

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