[TYPO3-dev] TCEFORM + sys_file_reference + page media

Gosign | Caspar Stuebs caspar at gosign.de
Mon Jan 20 10:58:23 CET 2014

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Hi Jan,

Am 20.01.2014 09:48, schrieb Jan Kornblum:
> What does "FILE TYPE" mean in this context? I had a look at the 
> tt_content image field TCA related to above and there are 
> "foreign_types" from 0 to 5.
It is simply the type of the file, like text, image, etc

The constants are defined class \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\AbstractFile

> And another question: Is it possible to overwrite the TCA by
> TSConfig in this situation or can this just be achieved by php?

Afaik it is not possible to override TCA by TSconfig

Kind regards
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