[TYPO3-dev] accessing plugin configuration in scheduler task (Extbase)

Lorenz Ulrich lorenz-typo3 at visol.ch
Mon Sep 9 18:56:56 CEST 2013

Hi Stefan

Are you using an Extbase CommandController? There it is quite easy:

$settings = 
'myExt', 'myExt');

If you didn't have already, you need to have an instance of the 

* @var Tx_Extbase_Configuration_ConfigurationManagerInterface
* @inject
protected $configurationManager;

Best regards,


Am 09.09.2013 17:59, schrieb Stefan Franke:
> Hello,
> is it possible to access the plugin configuration setup from within a scheduler task (Extbase, TYPO3 >= 6.0)?
> Thanks for your help!
> Kind regards,
> Stefan

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