[TYPO3-dev] Actual changes in security releases of extensions

Lorenz Ulrich lorenz-typo3 at visol.ch
Wed Oct 2 11:17:06 CEST 2013

Hi there

As we all know, extensions with security-related bugs either get banned 
from TER or get a new version containing the bugfix.

Other than the core, not all extension maintainers have reliable change 
logs or use a VCS, therefore it can be impossible to see what actually 
changed. This comes to a problem when one cannot update to the security 
release because an installation depends on an older major version of an 
extension that isn't compatible with the current major version.

Wouldn't it be possible to publish more details about the security bugs 
(or would that make our ecosystem more insecure because security by 
obscurity doesn't work anymore)?

Thanks for sharing your opinion.

Best regards,


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