[TYPO3-dev] addPItoST43 broken under TYPO3 6.2beta1

Alexander Opitz opitz at pluspol.info
Mon Nov 18 08:03:38 CET 2013

Hi Franz,

> A git newbe question:
> I must now regularly visit the folder typo3_src-master and execute a
> $ git pull
> command in order to get the latest update of the TYPO3 core? Afterwards
> I repeat the tar step again.


You can also look into the answer to a similar question: 

this won't create the .git directory and all the things you don't need.

Greetings Alex//

Alexander Opitz

PLUSPOL interactive GbR
Floßplatz 4
04107 Leipzig

Telefon:   (0341) 350 585 -19
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E-Mail:    opitz at pluspol.info
Internet:  http://www.pluspol.info

Dipl. Medienwirt (FH) Jörg Brückner
Dipl.- Ing. (FH) Stefan Dittmar
Dipl.- Ing. (FH) Thomas Lange

USt-ID-Nr.: DE221591186

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