[TYPO3-dev] [TYPO3-core] Announcing TYPO3 CMS 6.1.0 Alpha1

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Tue Mar 12 17:56:09 CET 2013

Dear TYPO3 Universe,

the TYPO3 community has just released TYPO3 CMS version 6.1.0 alpha,
which is now ready to download on typo3.org This alpha release is a
snapshot of the current development.

Due to some scheduling conflicts and the minor feature additions, we
decided to only release one alpha version, but follow the rest of the
release cycle, so the final release of TYPO3 CMS 6.1.0 is still
scheduled for April 30th.

For details about the release, please see:

The packages can be downloaded here:

MD5 checksums:

cfb6e86e32d8a77bc51276a69c902843  blankpackage-6.1.0alpha1.tar.gz
a78ac273a01f21d2737421e50a5089dd  blankpackage-6.1.0alpha1.zip
1fe65766d80161bd7ad81d2dc5dc276f  dummy-6.1.0alpha1.tar.gz
3f0c6c7f1d73cbccda1cbaa9de315692  dummy-6.1.0alpha1.zip
184b0d707ddb94929f1d3e940cd2a70c  governmentpackage-6.1.0alpha1.tar.gz
2e98930223a8ea564eff33d8c50181d7  governmentpackage-6.1.0alpha1.zip
d334069587cd8da07047dc65a50d5fd8  introductionpackage-6.1.0alpha1.tar.gz
c0c81a1f6db9a844a4adfd24d214747c  introductionpackage-6.1.0alpha1.zip
e0af0b922de5dab12e8396c77cc77e12  typo3_src+dummy-6.1.0alpha1.zip
7c797108a3ce6a7b3d6ce3398f9fcf18  typo3_src-6.1.0alpha1.tar.gz
5d3a915d169df0602e55fe7bab3701f9  typo3_src-6.1.0alpha1.zip

Thanks to all contributors to make this happen!

All the best,

TYPO3 .... inspiring people to share!
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