[TYPO3-dev] How to get default XML data from known DS?

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Mon Mar 4 13:25:33 CET 2013

> shouldn't tcemain do exactly that?

I didn't find a method generating the pi_flexform XML to be saved to the 
database directly from the DS. Each of the methods expects the data to 
be already available so it just has to be converted based on a 
comparison between incoming data and data structure.

What I would like to do is to convert the datastructure XML to some 
default data XML directly without having to provide the incoming data 
via an editing form.

> PS:
>    i tried to contact you recently over startnext, and otherways, but
>    got no answer :(
>    I'm working on ext:themes and tried to decide, wether gridelements or
>    fedext should be used primary, keeping compatibility to both

I noticed that, when the message came in, but was too busy then.
Afterwards I forgot about it - sorry for that!

Actually grid elements are meant to be a replacement for FCEs that 
provide structured containers for usual content elements only. They 
might contain additional configuration like checkboxes or selectboxes to 
activate certain JS effects (which is why I have been asking for a 
solution here), but they should not be abused as "individual content 

Additionally grid elements provide a way to handle "unsued elements" via 
colPos -2, drag & drop for moving, copying (with CTRL key) and creation 
of new elements, pasting elements as reference, references to a whole 
page instead of just one element and a "get me a copy form another page" 

So if you want to move the backend layouts of pages to the next level 
and want to get some comfortable features to improve your working 
performance as a power user, grid elements are the way to go. If you 
just need a new content element type with a certain set of input fields, 
some TCA in extTables.php +  some appropriate TS for a new CType should 
do a better job.



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