[TYPO3-dev] Re: sorting IRRE in FlexForm

Sascha lsascha at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 10:06:38 CET 2013

Hello and thank you for all your ideas.

The problem here is that the backend-user could add the images in a custom order inside the FlexForm and there is no other field that could be used for sorting. The Uid order would also not represent the actual order of the elements. And even if i use some custom field where i could only think of a integer where the backend-user needs to enter an integer to set the position of every element in the list that would be really annoying and the order in frontend and backend would always be different except when using the list-view.

If i understand your posting correctly you suggest that i use the uid-list of the xml inside the element in tt_content
to correctly sort the extbase query?

How should i get the uid-list from that xml inside the database when extbase does not currently provide that information?

I hope there is a solution for this or will get added in a future typo3 release.

Thanks again
with best regards

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