[TYPO3-dev] Content Fallback and URL

Dmitry Dulepov dmitry.dulepov at gmail.com
Fri Aug 30 07:08:51 CEST 2013


Gion Koch wrote:
> Now, the customer doesn't like the behaviour when you are on a 1st Level
> page and switch to another 1st level page, with a different language
> setup, that the specific language segment in the url( /en/ ) from the
> Realurl extension doesn't get changed to the fallback language.

I only comment about RealURL.

RealURL gets something like /index.php?id=15&L=2. It _only_ translates 
parameters to speaking segments. If L is 2 and 2 is English, there will be 
/en/ because TYPO3 core asked for this. You get what the core asked. No 
magic of any kind, no guessing, just plain <strike>stupid</strike> 
straightforward one to one translation from query string to path.

Dmitry Dulepov

Today is a good day to have a good day.

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