[TYPO3-dev] Books WAS: extension upload to TER under TYPO3 6.0

Elmar Hinz t3elmar at googlemail.com
Mon Apr 15 16:23:59 CEST 2013

> Which book did you read to come to this solution?

Good object orientated programming requieres the knowlege of design patterns.

Denpendcy injection, Signals, Receivers, Services, Hooks, etc.
they all are applications of design patterns like the observer pattern.

* Design patterns have been "discoverd" by The Gang of Four (GoF) long ago.
GoF: Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides.
Their book is an academic one.

* The current guru of design patterns is http://martinfowler.com/.
I didn't read books from him, but some blogs.

* If there is one book I would recommend to every developer 
to get started with design patterns it is:
=> Head First Design Patterns
Or the german translation:
=>  Entwurfsmuster von Kopf bis Fuß 



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