[TYPO3-dev] How does extbase determine if non-cachable action is called

Krystian Szymukowicz k.szymukowicz at gmail.com
Sun Apr 7 21:31:02 CEST 2013

W dniu 2013-04-05 21:45, Dirk Wenzel pisze:
> Hi Krystian,
> thank you for your hint.
> Unfortunatley I was not able to find a readable version of your post.
> Could you please post it anywhere else?
> Kind regards
> Dirk
> Am 05.04.13 10:53, schrieb Krystian Szymukowicz:
>>> But the post is without any code, the XML and PHP got lost. So you did a
>>> core hack in ExtensionService.php?
>> I am sure google have this somewhere with the proper code.

Here it is. The part of my previous post:


It would be great to have ability to change the USER_INT based on 
flexform settings of plugin.
So whole plugin no matter of what action is set can be made USER_INT.

This is quite simple in implementation:

                             <label>Make non cachable</label>

Then the TYPO3 sourcecode:

public function isActionCacheable

The flexform setting inside this function is available under:

As I wrote in previos post this can be overwriten by TS:
# overwriting classes
config.tx_extbase.objects {
# overwrite class to allow USER_INT from flexform
     Tx_Extbase_Service_ExtensionService {
         className = Tx_Vcs_Service_ExtensionService

Then in file Classes/Service/ExtensionService.php

class Tx_Vcs_Service_ExtensionService extends 
Tx_Extbase_Service_ExtensionService implements t3lib_Singleton {

	 * Checks if the given action is cacheable or not.
	 * @param string $extensionName Name of the target extension, without 
	 * @param string $pluginName Name of the target plugin
	 * @param string $controllerName Name of the target controller
	 * @param string $actionName Name of the action to be called
	 * @return boolean TRUE if the specified plugin action is cacheable, 
otherwise FALSE
	public function isActionCacheable($extensionName, $pluginName, 
$controllerName, $actionName) {
		$frameworkConfiguration = 
$extensionName, $pluginName);

			&& in_array($actionName, 
$frameworkConfiguration['settings']['cache']['makeNonCachable']) {
				return FALSE;
		return TRUE;


Of course the Tx_Vcs must be changed to whatever extension you have 
there for such modification.

Krystian Szymukowicz

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