[TYPO3-dev] Re: esp - some technical aspects

Elmar t3elmar at googlemail.com
Mon Apr 1 22:45:18 CEST 2013

Lot's of unit testing and reading of docs, to find out what is possible. For those who are interested:

> The good news
> ============
> I just discovered, that stored procedures are more simple to apply then thought.
> It seems there is no reason to return the result as a temporary table. 
> The procedure can return a result like any call to SELECT.

1.) There are two options to return a multiline result from a stored procedure,
either directly or in a temporary table.

2.) To return it directly requires a *mysqli* connection, because it needs the multiresult feature.
So it's good news that we have a mysli connection by default with 6.1.

3.) Temporary tables are not really temporary (at least with 4.x) because of *mysql_pconnect*.
This requires a random part in the name, what would make writing stored procedures rather 

4.) It's also not possible to create a temporary table from a call to a stored procedure,
that returns directly. That is an impartant differnce to a SELECT query. Something like this
is not possible: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE mytable FROM CALL my_stored_procedure().

The bottomline is, that there is no easy and fast way to get the result into a temporary table,
that could be accessed by the TypoScript objects CONTENT or RECORDS.

My new approach

Simplicity over speed

1.) Writing stored procedures should be easy. No temporary tables in the procedure.

2.) This requires the use of mysqli. For versions < 6.1 a dedicated mysqli connection
needs to be opened.

3.) Because of the lack of temporary tables neither CONTENT nor RECORDS can be applied.

4.) I provide two renderers as replacement tx_esp_SimpleRender and tx_esp_JoinRenderer. 

5.) The simple rendere is configured like CONTENT but accesses the result-link instead of a table.



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