[TYPO3-dev] Uniqe Fe user

gatalf gatalf at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 16 11:22:17 CET 2012

I am trying to prevent simultaneous login of the same fe user.
I set the $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']['lockIP'] to 4 but nothing happened.
Then I tried to handle this by checking the 'fe_sessions' table.
I altered the class.t3lib_userauth.php so after the user is 
authenticated (line 711) his id is checked against a live fe_session.

The problem is that the 'fe_sessions' table does not always delete the 
session entries, so I had to check the time of the entry. This works but 
if a user closes the browser any attempt to login till the session 
expires is prevented.

So is it possible to have a better control of which user is already 
logged in and prevent any same user login? Also is it possible to 
implement this at class.tslib_feuserauth.php in order to avoid 
unnecessary calls of this function.

The version I am using is 4.5.22 and the code I wrote is the following:

if ($authenticated) {
		$thisTime = mktime(date("H"), 
date("i")-($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['lifetime']/60), date("s"), 
date("m")  , date("d"), date("Y"));
		$sessions = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows(
			$where_clause='ses_userid=' . $tempuser['uid'] .' and ses_tstamp 
 >'.$thisTime ,

	if (count($sessions)) {
		$authenticated = FALSE;
		if ($this->writeDevLog) {
			t3lib_div::devLog('There is a user logged in with the same data');

Thank you in advance

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