[TYPO3-dev] Typo3 4.5 LTS - "New" Extension Manager

Robert Wildling robertwildling at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 23:03:56 CET 2012

Hi, List,

I am working on T3 4.5 LTS and I think since it is an LTS, it should 
work good. Unfortunately the new extension manager is still very, very 
buggy. I would like to post bugs, but don't find the proper list on 
forge. Can anybody help me out, please?

The issues:
1a. Usability: Things like "UPDATE!" are not really easily reachable. 
One needs to click on the install/uninstall button, toggling the actual 
install status. Only then, in the lightbox window, those menues like 
"UPDATE" show up.

1b. Error: Clicking around in that lightbox window, the old ext manager 
festures show up within that respective window, among them the 
well-known back-arrow. Clicking that very button, the new ext manager 
shows up completely within the lightbox window... not good...

2. There is still the error with the "window close. Re-check 
dependency"-feature, when ext need other ext. The "Window close" button 
still doesn't work. Tested with the installation of tinymce_rte, which 
requires the deinstallation of htmlare: the deinstallation process opens 
a totally new window, where the mentionen windo close button doesn't work.

If anybody could confirm...?


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