[TYPO3-dev] Workshops at T3DD12

Loek Hilgersom loek at netcoop.nl
Fri Feb 10 14:27:45 CET 2012

Hi Steffen and others,

I've submitted a proposal for a workshop about automatic build procedures for 
TYPO3v4. I want to present what we use to deploy our work on development, test, 
acceptation and production environments using Ant, Jenkins, and shell scripts.

 From this workshop I hope to achieve two things (but actually getting near 1 
would already be great!):
- I expect many others to have worked out their own methods for this, and want 
to work together on a generic way to do this, possible evolving into a TYPO3 project
- maybe we could come up with some brilliant ideas to tackle the most 
problematic issues with TYPO3v4 for automatic building, especially the problem 
of duplicate record id's (you add a new page or content record for the new 
feature you're making, but meanwhile editors have also added content with the 
same id's)

I hope there is some interest for this.


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