[TYPO3-dev] Scheduler task: Last run?

Marc Wöhlken woehlken at quadracom.de
Mon Dec 10 19:45:12 CET 2012

Am 10.12.2012 19:09, schrieb Marc Wöhlken:> Hello Philipp!
> Am 10.12.2012 18:46, schrieb Philipp Gampe:
>> As the task object is saved serialized in DB, I suggest that you save
>> time of the last execution into an own variable. You can do so from
>> your execute() method.

Seems like I misread your post. You are completely right, I'll create my
own variable within the task object to save execution time.

Please ignore my last post

Marc Wöhlken                     TYPO3 certified integrator

Quadracom - Proffe & Wöhlken

Rembertistraße 32              WWW: http://www.quadracom.de
D-28203 Bremen                E-Mail: woehlken at quadracom.de
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