[TYPO3-dev] DDD: modelling question and how to search in model

Gerhard Mehsel sparking at gmx.net
Sun Apr 8 21:03:28 CEST 2012


I want to create a extbase extension that deals with persons. I try to 
use DDD and the main entity should be PERSON. It's hard for me to 
calculate the position. Later I want to do things like searching in the 
model or call controller actions via ajax to update only parts of the 
model without sending the complete model within one big HTML form.

A person has properties like prename, lastname, ... and it has some 
addresses (value objects):
- a private address
- a company address
- some addresses for delivery purposes

What is the best way to model a proper relation between the entities?
Should I create direct relations to ADDRESS entities in PERSON entity

PERSON --- ADDRESS, 1:1 Relation, privateAddress
|    |
|   ADDRESS, 1:1 Relation, companyAddress
ADDRESS, 1:n Relation, deliveryAddresses

or is it better to provide a "container" entity for ADDRESSes? I think 
ADDRESSCONTAINER should be an entity then, should it be an aggregate 
root also?

ADDRESSCONTAINER --- ADDRESS, 1:1 Relation, privateAddress
|    |
|   ADDRESS, 1:1 Relation, companyAddress
ADDRESS, 1:n Relation, deliveryAddresses

or something like this

ADDRESS, 1:n Relation to PERSON, allAddresses
ADDRESSTYPE, n:1 Relation to ADDRESS, to specify private, company, 
delivery addresses

How would you model this situation? Is there a sample for modelling 
something like this (a little bit more complex than blog_example)

BTW: Is there a best practice to search in entites (including related 
entities/value objects)?


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