[TYPO3-dev] BE Module: How to add a datepicker to an input

Mark Boland mark.boland at boland.de
Sat Nov 19 19:15:01 CET 2011

Hi Stephen,

Am 19.11.2011 um 18:42 schrieb "Stephen Bungert" <stephenbungert at yahoo.de>:

> Why was extjs chosen? Sometimes I think the devs of TYPO3 purposefully select the most complicated convulted way of doing things. They could have chosen jQuery, it's easy to understand, fast, people know how to use it. Like  a car. But instead something akin to fighter jet is chosen, even though most people will never need a fighter jet... a fighter jet that doesn't come with a manual, and just makes everything more complicated then it needs to be.

Maybe there is a little misconception about the use of jQuery and ExtJS. While jQuery is a compilation of widgets and useful selectors, ExtJS is an EXTension of jQuery, that makes it a fullfledged application framework. While displaying grid views like the tables in the Trash or Workspaces modules would be merely possible with jQuery, it is the natural 'habitat' of ExtJS. We did some great projects with ExtJS, that made programming desktop applications with about the same functionality look akward and overly time consuming.

This complexity makes it nearly impossible for the casual programmer to do something simple, but it is wise to reuse a already loaded framework wherever possible.

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