[TYPO3-dev] [GIT] How to merge branches

Georg Ringer typo3 at ringerge.org
Thu Nov 17 09:15:24 CET 2011


Am 16.11.2011 10:59, schrieb Peter Niederlag:
> 1. Check with git log what you are about tu push.
> 2. make sure all commits have a changeid line
> 3. if you need to upload merges contact the admin team
> 4. wait until we migrate to next gerrit version as hopefully the project
> admins can then manage permissions/config of the project themeselves

thanks for your answer. is there already a date for the new version?

is it possible to create 1 diff file which gets me the changes in master 
to bemodule and I would then just apply this as normal change?


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