[TYPO3-dev] Custom enablecolumns/enableFields for pages?

Franz Koch typo3.RemoveForMessage at elements-net.de
Tue Mar 29 03:21:39 CEST 2011

Hey Franz,

>> And more important - any idea how I could
>> get my custom enableFields working with menus? I need to restrict the
>> display of pages based on some session value.
> Proposal: You could add the FE user contemporarily to a special FE group
> which is allowed to see the page. The adding to the FE group can be done
> depending on a value in the FE session data.

thanks for your feedback. Nice idea that would for sure work for less 
complex setups, but that's unfortunately no option here. It wouldn't be 
easily manageable by editors.

Until I find a better solution I now hook into the "getPage" function of 
class.t3lib_page.php and append my restricting clause to 
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->where_hid_del. That seems to work for now, 
but doesn't feel right and is probably quite error prone. At least the 
menu rendering issue was fixed by this.

If somebody knows the reasons why it's currently done as is, I'd be glad 
to hear the story - just for my understandings. Thanks.

kind regards,
Franz Koch

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