[TYPO3-dev] Filling PDF Forms in TYPO3

Kay Strobach typo3 at kay-strobach.de
Fri Mar 18 18:27:16 CET 2011

Hello Guys,

I'm working on an extension which extends powermail to add modifyable
files as attachment (docx, xlsx, odt, txt, html, pdf, ...)

Most plain text fileformats work mostly (even the xml ones ;)

The greatest problem is the pdf support - i can't find a just php
library which supports changing pdf form values :(

  - can fill pdf forms
  - done in php
  - license is gpl compatible

What i found so far is:
  - expensive
  - can't be included in opensource version :(
  - works perfect with demo documents
  - working, but no code - closed source - not gpl compatible.

pdftk - needs binaries - http://www.pdflabs.com/tools/pdftk-the-pdf-toolkit/
  > header('Content-type: application/pdf');
  > header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Download.pdf"');
  > passthru("pdftk file.pdf fill_form data.fdf output - ");

pdflib - http://www.pdflib.com/
  - need to modify files (with acrobat and pdflib plugin)
  - block can't be edited
  - needs external lib
  - no solution

  - can't import pdf -> fpdi -> no chance to prefill form
  - no solution

  - can't do it
  - no solution

  - creates correct fdf files as other libs to - but there is no real
    merge - the fdf file just gets some params to post load the pdf
  - no solution

  - both are more a hack, than a solution
  - replace values with string comparisions
  - doesn't work stable
  - form fields need to be prefilled with senseless information or stars
  - fix length replacement
  - no solution

PDFHacks by Sid Steward
  - http://www.pdfhacks.com/
  - no solution -> points to java or pdftk

If there is a nifty small php lib, which allows something similar to
setapdf-formfiller and which has a GPL compatible license
-> PLEASE Tell ME.

I drives me nuts, that there seems to be no way to fix that problem.

Thanks in advice.
Many thanks
http://www.kay-strobach.de - Open Source Rocks

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