[TYPO3-dev] jquery / prototype conflict in backend

Michael Knoll mimi at kaktusteam.de
Thu Mar 3 16:21:09 CET 2011

Hi there,

we have a problem including jquery and prototype in the right order in 
backend. We include a jquery library which is at the moment included via

$pageRenderer->addJsFile($baseUrl . 
'Resources/Public/Js/JQuery/jquery-1.4.4.min.js', 'text/javascript', 

If we do this in a flexform data provider, it is included before 
prototype is included by the backend. If we include it in our fluid 
template for our backend module, the order is wrong (prototype is 
included before jquery is included, which leeds to a bug).

Is there any way how to make T3 include jquery BEFORE prototype or let's 
say: Can one change the order of inclusions.

We are talking about backend - in frontend, everything is working fine, 
as we have no prototype / jquery conflicts!

Thanks a lot for your help!


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