[TYPO3-dev] Nested CONTENT/select bug

Peter Klein peter at clioonline.dk
Tue Jul 26 18:14:19 CEST 2011

I have a weird problem (Bug?)

The Typoscript below creates a "menu" of pages, sorted into sections
based on the 1st letter of the page title.

First it selects the pages and group the results by the 1st char of
the title.
It then uses the result from the 1st select (the first char) and makes
a 2nd select with "title LIKE '%>firstchar>'" to display the actual
page titles.

But instead of displaying all the results, it skips the 1st page in
every section.??

Is this a bug or a "feature" ? :)

-- Example Start --
lib.cliolibrary = COA
lib.cliolibrary {
	# Create a "menu" based on the 1st char of the page titles
	10 = COA
	10 {
		wrap = <ul class="tx-cliolibrary-menu">|</ul>

		# 1st we select the titles grouped by the 1st char of
the page title
		10 = CONTENT
		10.table = pages
		10.selectFields = *
		10.select.pidInList = 1797
		10.select.orderBy = title
		10.select.groupBy = left(ucase(title),1)
		10.renderObj = COA
		10.renderObj {
			wrap = <li>|</li>

			# And render each "menuitem" as the 1st char
of the title
			10 = TEXT
			10.field = title
			10.substring = 0,1
			10.case = upper
			10.typolink.parameter = #
			10.typolink.ATagParams.cObject = COA
			10.typolink.ATagParams.cObject {
				10 = TEXT
				10.field = uid
				10.wrap =
onclick="showlibrary('library-|');return false;"

	20 = COA
	20 {
		wrap = <div id="tx-cliolibrary-content"
		# 1st we select the titles grouped by the 1st char of
the page title
		10 = CONTENT
		10.table = pages
		10.select.pidInList = 1797
		10.select.orderBy = title
		10.select.groupBy = left(ucase(title),1)
		10.renderObj = COA
		10.renderObj {
			# Store the 1st char of the page title in a
register for later use
			5.librarysection = TEXT
			5.librarysection.field = title
			5.librarysection.substring = 0,1
			5.librarysection.case = upper
			10 = TEXT
			10.field= uid
			10.wrap = <div class="cliolibrary"
id="library-|" style="display:none;">

			# Here's the weird pard (bug)
			# Without object 15 & 17, the 1st page of each
section is not displayed.
			15 = TEXT
			15.field = title
			15.typolink.parameter.field = uid
			15.wrap = <h3>|</h3>

			17 = TEXT
			17.field = subtitle
			17.required = 1
			17.wrap = <p>|</p>

			# now we get the pages whichs stats with the
letter we previously stored in the register
			20 = CONTENT
			20.table = pages
			20.select.pidInList = 1797
			#20.select.orderBy = title
			20.select.begin = 0
			20.select.andWhere.dataWrap = title LIKE
			20.renderObj = COA
			20.renderObj {

				# This CONTENT/select skips the 1st
page in each section. 			
				10 = TEXT
				10.field = title
				10.typolink.parameter.field = uid
				10.wrap = <h3>|</h3>

				20 = TEXT
				20.field = subtitle
				20.required = 1
				20.wrap = <p>|</p>
			30 = TEXT
			30.value = </div>

-- Example End --

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