[TYPO3-dev] Gerrit: When using dependend commits, new changeset, even if nothing has changed

Peter Niederlag typo3-list at niekom.de
Mon Aug 22 11:58:52 CEST 2011


Am 22.08.2011 09:34, schrieb Helmut Hummel:
> Hi,
> if I create two commits and push both, everthing shows up correctly in
> gerrit, including the dependency. But if "a" depends on "b" and I need
> to change "a", also "b" will be resubmitted, altough not changed at all.

How are "a" and "b" organized in your worktree?
How do you change "a"?

In general, if "b" is stacked on "a" then "b" depends on "a". When "a" 
is changed then "b" is changed (rebased) for sure as well! The diff of 
"b" might not be changed but the tree (content/files) is different.

> Any way to avoid this?

I think most likely you don't want to void this! If a prior change is 
redone you should redo/resubmit all changes that are stacked onto this 
one as this lowers the possibility of a conflict on cherry-picking.

You could do "a" keep this in one branch ("branch-a") and create another 
branch for "b" ("branch-b") [whith first version of "a"]. When you 
change a in "branch-a", "b" won't be effected.

Keep in mind that gerrit doesn't take care of the dependencies at all, 
as we use cherry-picking policy for TYPO3v4Core.

Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 & EDV Dienstleistungen *

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