[TYPO3-dev] Clear configuration cache in multi-domain site [SOLVED]

Loek Hilgersom loek at netcoop.nl
Sun Nov 28 15:22:46 CET 2010

Hi Francois and Jigal,

Thanks for your answers. I checked the extCache setting, there was no value set 
in localconf.php and the installtool showed the default value '1'.

I checked again, deleting all temp_CACHED files: as soon as I try logging into 
the backend from a different domain, a new set of cache files is created. The 
key started with ps followed by a hash that stays the same for that domain. If I 
clear the conf cache from that backend, only those files get rewritten, with the 
same hash-key as before. The other cache files remain untouched.

I also checked some other multi-domain sites, but they don't have this problem, 
and while writing this reply I suddenly realized the cause of the problem:

Since recently this site is running on a server with a control panel where I use 
symlinks to redirect the site root directory of some subdomains to this 
multi-domain TYPO3 installation. (For domains I could modify the vhost, I 
couldn't figure yet how to do that for subdomains, using the control panel). As 
a result, some subdomains in the same TYPO3 site have a different PATH_site 
value and therefor a different hash-key......

It always amazes me how every decision you make can have utterly unexpected 

Now I can also answer my own question about the use of the extCache option: 
obviously, if you can't rely on PATH_site to be identical within 1 installation, 
you'll need some other setting to base a hash-value on....

Thanks for the pointers guys!

On 11/28/2010 11:25 AM, Jigal van Hemert wrote:
> temp_CACHED files, depending on ['EXT']['extCache'] setting:
> 0 : not cached
> 1 : based on PATH_site and TYPO3 version (default); the key after temp_CACHED_
> starts with 'ps'
> 2 : based on the list of enabled extensions; the key after temp_CACHED_ does not
> start with 'ps'
> 3 : just cached, name not based on any hash

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