[TYPO3-dev] RTE in custom extension / transformation

Michael Michalowski m.michalowski at etu.de
Fri May 28 13:52:24 CEST 2010


I have a custom extension with a RTE enabled description field.
Now I have the problem, that bold-tags are transformed to strong tags for the database.
An example:


is transformed to the DB like this:


And in the frontend it renders to:

<p class="bodytext"><strong>test1</strong></p>
<p class="bodytext"><strong>test1</strong></p>
<p class="bodytext">test3</p>

If I insert the RTE-Code in a RTE of a standard content element (on the same page), it get's transformed to bold like this:


And in the frontend it renders to:

<p class="bodytext"><b>test1</b></p>
<p class="bodytext"><b>test1</b></p>
<p class="bodytext">test3</p>

Where must I configure the right transformation behavior?

This is my TCA config to include the RTE:

		"description_text" => Array (		
			"exclude" => 0,		
			"label" => "LLL:EXT:jp_pageteaser/locallang_db.xml:tx_jppageteaser_list.description_text",
			"config" => Array (
				"type" => "text",
				"cols" => "48",	
				"rows" => "5",
				"wizards" => Array(
					"_PADDING" => 4,
					"RTE" => Array(
						"notNewRecords" => 1,
						"RTEonly" => 1,
						"type" => "script",
						"icon" => "wizard_rte2.gif",
						"script" => "wizard_rte.php",


	"types" => Array (
		"0" => Array("showitem" => "sys_language_uid;;;;1-1-1, l18n_parent, l18n_diffsource, hidden;;1, title_options, title_text, description_options, description_text;;;richtext[cut|copy|paste|formatblock|textcolor|bold|italic|underline| left|center|right|orderedlist|unorderedlist|outdent|indent|link| table|image|line|chMode]:rte_transform[mode=ts_css|imgpath=uploads/my_extension/rte/];" . ((!$showDAM || $showStdImage) ? ", image" : "") . ($showDAM ? ", image_dam" : "") . ", image_alt_text, image_title_text, starttime, endtime, sorting, alt_link, no_link, show_only_in_parent, category_id")

Is there somebody out there, who can help me please?

best regards,

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