[TYPO3-dev] best hook for postSave and preDelete and create CE form a backend hook?

Gerhard Mehsel sparking at gmx.net
Tue Mar 16 08:28:30 CET 2010


I want to save additional values to the DB when a user stores a special 
record in BE. Also, I want to delete this stuff from DB again when the 
user deletes this special record in BE.

for saving: processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations
for deleting: processDatamap_postProcessFieldArray

Are this two hooks suitable for my needs or are there better ones?


Another question:
A user creates one of this special records in BE. Afterwards TYPO3 
should create 3 CE elements and insert it in tt_content (vice versa for 
deleting). What is the best way to create/delete this CE's from the hook 
functions mentioned above?

Thank you for tipps,

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