[TYPO3-dev] Using TS-conf instead of a standard lang for conf?

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Tue Mar 9 14:59:24 CET 2010

Tomas Norre Mikkelsen schrieb am 06.03.2010 08:35:

> I have talked to many different people during the days, and we
> discussed TYPO3 many times. One of the discussions and why the choose
> not to use T3.
> Many said: "If i have to learn a new system, it should be based on
> standards i don't want to have to learn a language like TS too, if it
> was like xml / xslt or some other webstandard it was a diffent story"
> What is you comment on this and have this been diskussed in the
> dev-team before ? Could "we" make T3 stronger with a standard
> configuration language ?
> I think so :) But i'm not that much into core development, so i know
> if its possible or not.

To add a point to the discussion:

Some years ago (I think at a T3DD) we were trying to capture what was
the "spirit" of TYPO3, which should guide also the development of v5. An
overwhelming majority cited "TypoScript" as a major factor that made up
the TYPO3 spirit.

This was also base for a decision to keep the TypoScript alive also in
TYPO3 v5. Of course much more "object oriented" and consistent, but with
similar syntax and methodology.

Having worked with TYPO3 for a couple of years, I agree that this is a
major factor that differenciates (in a positive way) TYPO3 from other
systems. Of course it might take some time to learn, but the benefits
when done are just much bigger than if we would have the same
information in another syntax.


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