[TYPO3-dev] Feedback for #13698 - Add proxy for the mail() function

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Mon Mar 8 20:46:30 CET 2010

Tolleiv Nietsch schrieb:
> After a more detailed view I can't really agree to his opinion to use
> plainMailEncoded() as proxy for t3lib_htmlmail without a huge amount of
> refactoring, since t3lib_htmlmail fully defines all mail headers on his
> own and sends out multipart (plain + html) mails whereas
> plainMailEncoded() assumes that the mail is "just" a plaintext mail and
> nothing else.

Agreed. plainMailEncoded() is a dull function. No need to make it more complex by adding
functionality not related to its task.

> Before starting to refactor t3lib_htmlmail I wanted to bring that up and
> ask for some feedback. So either
> a) have a proxy function on his own which is used by t3lib_htmlmail and
> plainMailEncoded

A proxy is an intermediate server (proxy means "near"). Any way TYPO3 would benefit from a better
and more flexible mail architecture. If you have too much time on your hand ask if FLOW3 has already
one. If not this is a great opportunity to write one and backport it :)

> b) refactor t3lib_htmlmail to use plainMailEncoded



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