[TYPO3-dev] Using TS-conf instead of a standard lang for conf?

Steffen Ritter info at rs-websystems.de
Sat Mar 6 08:48:28 CET 2010

Tomas Norre Mikkelsen schrieb:
> Hi,
> I have talked to many different people during the days, and we
> discussed TYPO3 many times. One of the discussions and why the choose
> not to use T3.
> Many said: "If i have to learn a new system, it should be based on
> standards i don't want to have to learn a language like TS too, if it
> was like xml / xslt or some other webstandard it was a diffent story"
> What is you comment on this and have this been diskussed in the
> dev-team before ? Could "we" make T3 stronger with a standard
> configuration language ?
> I think so :) But i'm not that much into core development, so i know
> if its possible or not.
It's not possible. The "system" is top wide spread and deeply used 
throughout core and all extensions. I think you probably would need to 
touch 90% of all files, all extensions, and break with all habits.
You would frustate all developers.
In fact, you would build a complete new CMS.

TypoScript is the powerful heart of TYPO3. In v5 there will be 
"object-oriented" TypoScript 2.0 which already is implemented there.

So If those people don't want to use TYPO3 because of TypoScript, I 
don't think TYPO3 would have been the CMS for their needs anyways.

I personally think think such thoughts are just an excuse to hide 
personal amenities or own lazyness to do some new stuff.

Configuring all things you may do with TS via XML f.e. would be twice 
developers work... So they can only ask for this, since they don't know 
how it goes around.

Sry, probably sound some kind of to strong but I do not think, that 
TYPO3 misses anything if these "many different people" could not be reached.
If it's such important to them, they should join, hire 6-10 Developers 
and ask them to rebuild TYPO3 XML based.
After one year of work, they would have rebuild the complete core-stuff. 
After another two years all "current extensions" might be ported.

And than you may present the produkt to the "many different people" 
around who payed for the rewrite. Let me guess: Then they would say it 
is outdated or looks ugly or sth. like this. What, does not matter, 
mainly they do not wont to cope with new stuff...

Just my meaningless opinion...

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