[TYPO3-dev] Calling $this->cObj->CONTENT from inside a plugin denied

Sebastian Gebhard sebastiangebhard at hoch2.de
Mon Mar 1 13:57:44 CET 2010


I found this in tslib_cObj::CONTENT:

$originalRec = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->currentRecord;
if ($originalRec)	{

Commented with: "If the currentRecord is set, we register, that this 
record has invoked this function. It's should not be allowed to do this 
again then!!"

Why is there this restriction? Why am I not allowed to render a CONTENT 
element inside a plugin?

For my needs I wrote a workaround:
function getColoumn($col) {
		// Workaround
	$currentRecord = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->currentRecord;
	$contentConf = array(
		'table' => 'tt_content',
		'select.' => array(
			'where' => 'colPos = ' . $col,
			'orderBy' => 'sorting',
		'wrap' => '<div class="col' . $col . '">|</div>'
	$content = $this->cObj->CONTENT($contentConf);
	$GLOBALS['TSFE']->currentRecord = $currentRecord;
	return $content;

Kind regards,

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