[TYPO3-dev] Db relation foreign_label question

Gerhard Mehsel sparking at gmx.net
Sun Feb 28 22:16:51 CET 2010


I have an extension (TYPO3 4.2.6) with a DB table, that has a relation 
to static_countries. That should be a selector box in BE to select a 
country. I want to display the column cn_short_de in that dropdown as label.


'country' => array (		
    'exclude' => 0,		
    'label' =>'LLL:EXT:........',	
    'config' => array (
      'type' => 'select',	
      'items' => array (array('',0),				),
      'foreign_table' => 'static_countries',	
      'foreign_table_where' => 'ORDER BY static_countries.cn_short_de',
      'foreign_label' => 'cn_short_de',	
      'size' => 1,	
      'minitems' => 0,
      'maxitems' => 1,


The above
'foreign_table_where' is working
'foreign_label' is not working, i think it is only for type 'inline'

Why? How can I set the cn_short_de as label column?

Thank you,

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