[TYPO3-dev] FLOW3 / TYPO3 5.0

Jigal van Hemert jigal at xs4all.nl
Thu Apr 29 23:22:24 CEST 2010

JoH asenau wrote:

For the record: the fact that you cut out my question about a source for 
your statements about the reasons to start the TYPO3 Association (which 
didn't match the Association's official mission statement) is an 
indication to me that we should stick with the published mission statement.

>> Second, some people spend time to produce money and donate it; others
>> donate their time. I don't see much difference. Everybody here does
>> something for TYPO3 in a way that matches their skills.
> I know that, since this is what I have done since 2002 as well.
> But this is not about the time somebody donated for V4 but about V5 only.

Your original statement was that ONLY by "being a member of the T3A or 
by donating a certain amount directly" had the right to complain. Now 
it's about donating time for v5 only?
Next the donations must have been for v5 only? Or you have to tell the 
Association that you're only member for v5?

Sorry, but I can't take this serious anymore. If development for v4 was 
stopped the moment the v5 team started there was no TYPO3 product 
anymore. Users would have moved to other systems and would never come 
back to v5.

> So as long as there has been neither a donation of time nor a donation of
> money dedicated to the V5 project, IMHO it doesn't matter what anybody has
> done for V4 - because this is a completely different issue.

Version 5 wants to build on the reputation of v4 and the credits v4 has 
built, but you want to see it as two completely different projects??

The v5 team wants the community to trust them and wants support from the 
community by making applications on FLOW3. What I read is that the 
community wants information about the progress and a rough planning.

I think that this is a fair deal between the two and I think that 
communication is -- as usual -- the key ingredient in working together; 
not bragging how much money someone donated, how many years someone has 
been helping other, how many bugs someone fixed...

Speaking of bugs, I'm going to enjoy Bug Day tomorrow and try to help 
get the release of 4.4 a bit closer :-)

Jigal van Hemert
msn: jigal at xs4all.nl

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