[TYPO3-dev] FLOW3 / TYPO3 5.0

Irene Höppner irene.hoeppner at abezet.de
Tue Apr 27 16:24:28 CEST 2010

> My customers. Really, I have seen (web) projects go on and on without  
> any results in cases when the
> customer set no deadlines. OTOH, when everbody new the site had to be up  
> and running for the next
> trade shown (etc) then things went smooth.

Yes, that's a known issue :-).

However, a little "but" though ;-):
- Maybe this experience is some kind of a spurious correlation. Maybe not  
the missing deadline, but the missing (or wrong) goals besides the  
time-goal caused the problem. It might be like in education. Teachers (and  
parents) thought for generations that you have to beat children to get  
them things done. Nearly all of them were pretty sure, that there is no  
other way...
- This doesn't say something about productivity. Productivity compares the  
output with the input. Did the developers produce less output without  
deadlines or did they produce the wrong output? Or did they work on other  
projects, because these had a deadline? Do you really know the answer to  
this questions?

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