[TYPO3-dev] FLOW3 / TYPO3 5.0

Robert Lemke robert at typo3.org
Mon Apr 26 15:23:54 CEST 2010


Am 26.04.10 14:54, schrieb Dmitry Dulepov:

> I will skip the rest. We see FLOW3 development from different sides: you
> see from the inside, I see from the outside, so it is hard for us to think
> the same.
> Here is a good quote about being agile and following deadlines [1]:
> ===============================

I like most of the principles used in Getting Real and we've been using
many of them in the Phoenix project for years now. Nevertheless it is
tailored to creating Web Applications and not web-based applications. It
is absolutely not tailored to creating a framework. However, we decided
that we need a framework for the feature set we have in mind for v5.
That's the point: We're not starting with version 1.

We are creating something greater than Rails - for a different purpose
though. And therefore we cannot follow the Getting Real schema all the
way - otherwise we'd produce "only" Rails. We picked a few enemies [1],
two of them being Rails and Symfony. (OTOH we love our enemies at the
same time)

> You always can add DAM and versioning later. To me v5 should have been out
> "yesterday" with a small core features set *and* (mandatory!) a great UI
> that will make people scream from pleasure. Then you could add a new small
> feature each week and make people scream again. That would be true agile
> development. Think who your customers are and develop for them, not for
> sterile science. Please?..

Thank you for the lesson, that's completely new to me.

Sorry Dmitry, but I think we can't discuss it this way because, as you
said, you see it from outside and never made the attempt to get
involved. If you were truly concerned about the future of TYPO3 and saw
this coming all the time, you would already be part of the team and we'd
have a 5.3 already today.

Let's talk about it during the T3DD.


[1] http://gettingreal.37signals.com/ch02_Have_an_Enemy.php

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