[TYPO3-dev] blog_example gives error "A cache with identifier "cache_extbase_reflection" does not exist"

Peter Russ peter.russ at 4many.net
Sun Apr 25 12:35:44 CEST 2010

--- Original Nachricht ---
Absender:   Jochen Rau
Datum:       25.04.2010 09:54:
> enterprise level software development
Sorry: if you have to decide now for a strategy for the next years, F² 
is definetly OUT. Why? Because: no campany can or will affort to rewrite 
on any new alpha-release with no idea when final relase will be 
available and which features.

IMHO F² is an academic exercise to show what could be done. But if it 
comes down to real production quality, 'elsd' will rely on ZF 2.x as 
more developers are used to ZF 1 ;-)

Jochen, I just asked a very simple question before. But there is nobody 
out there of the F²-developers willing or able to anser. Again only buzz 
words 'enterprise level', 'new paradigms'....
What I've learnd from marketing:
if the product is weak put it in a nice box. If you haven't any product 
box should be golden ;-)


docendo discimus

uon GbR

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