[TYPO3-dev] blog_example gives error "A cache with identifier "cache_extbase_reflection" does not exist"

Sebastian Gebhard sebastiangebhard at hoch2.de
Thu Apr 22 11:27:29 CEST 2010

Am 22.04.10 10:51, schrieb Dmitry Dulepov:
> You always have choices:
> - try to see in the code why this happens
> - ask in the MVC list where Extbase people live
> - use traditional extension development until Extbase becomes mature
> - abandon TYPO3
I've got a question to you Dmitry which nags for some time now.
What is your attitude towards FLOW3 and TYPO3 v5?

I quote you from the Transition Days Podcast (about 1 1/2 years ago):
"I think v4 still has its future, but we really should move forward and 
spend time von v5 too. Because v5 uses modern techologies, new 
interfaces, the code-base is very clean which we saw during these days 
and I think it has a great potential. We just cannot stay forever with 
the old codebase, because it was in times when php4 was the programming 
platform and this old legacy does not take new realities into account. 
But v5 code is so much better, as we saw today [and] it really has a big 
future. [...]"

I this still what you think today? Pure interest because I respect your 
views very much..

Kind regards,

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