[TYPO3-dev] FE plugin development - using sysfolders

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Sun Apr 11 10:16:16 CEST 2010

> Thanks for your answer. I don't actually need a menu, but 4 html
> selects: country, region, city, hotel. The region select is populated
> depending on what country is selected, the city select is populated
> depending on region, etc.

This is called a Jumpmenu

> With HMENU I get the whole tree structure, and various parts of it are
> hidden using CSS and/or javascript to make a popup menu. Well
> theoretically I could use HMENU to output the full structure in a
> javascript variable and build the selects with DOM scripting. But can
> HMENU output the page id? I would like to have the options in the last
> select (the one for hotels) like this:
>        <option value="page_id">Hotel Name</option>
> so I could jump directly to that page. I have checked the HMENU
> reference at
> but I can't figure out how to write the page id into the html
> source...

There's a HMENU type called JSMENU, but you can use a TMENU as well to
create a more flexible variant of it:
The text is in German but the code is not ;-)



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Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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