[TYPO3-dev] pages of type "shortcut" in TMENU not having proper item states?

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Sat May 30 17:27:21 CEST 2009

Hi Georg,

> page 4 is never called but only page 3! so this is not a bug but a 
> normal behaviour. if you are using realURL, you will never see something 
> like domain.tld/page-3/page-4.html!

yes, page 4 itself is never called, but the link it's pointing to is. So 
if you define a menu item by it's link (that's what visitors do) and not 
from the technical point of view, the shortcut page would also be active 
(CUR) as it's refering URL is the currently displayed URL.
Not indicating a active shortcut is bad usability for visitors IMOH. 
It's also bad practice, as it's recommended that a page shouldn't link 
to itself AFAIK (I guess it was SEO or accessibility related).

And what if you're creating a sysfolder with various shortcuts that are 
used to render a menu (done like that, so that editors can manipulate 
the menu). This way the items in that menu will never indicate an active 
state, even if their target is active. That's by far not how I 
understand a shortcut.

> if you need this structure, you need to use a normal page and set 
> "display content of page"(or how it is called)

that would a) lead to double content (bad SEO) and b) is not the 
intended behavior. The intention by having a shortcut to the parent page 
as child element is simply that the submenu has a back link to it's 
parent to have at least two submenu records if there is by default only 
one subpage in the menu. Linking the parent to the first subpage would 
generate a Link that is not acceptable in this case as both pages 
(parent and first child) have almost identical names and the URL would 
look really odd in that case.

kind regards,
Franz Koch

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