[TYPO3-dev] SVN, FORGE and hidden projects: Not that hidden...

Olivier Schopfer ops at wcc-coe.org
Tue May 26 17:02:53 CEST 2009

Ingo Renner wrote:
> If you don't want to share your code, don't put it on forge.

Thanks Ingo,

I understand it well from the technical point of view. But from the 
user's perspective, it's far from obvious. When you are on the forge 
website, it says that you can keep a project hidden... so you are 
tempted to believe it. How could you guess that this only applies to the 
description of the project, not to the source files?

Maybe a note on the "repository" tab, only visible for hidden projects, 
could explain that, and warn that files in the repository are going to 
be accessible by anyone.

But wouldn't it be best that the whole system works consistently, and 
that a hidden project really IS hidden?


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