[TYPO3-dev] Eclipse Settings and Tools

Dmitry Dulepov dmitry.dulepov at gmail.com
Wed May 20 10:04:31 CEST 2009


Stefan Geith wrote:
> I remember there were some recommended settings for eclipse-editor (I
> think, Dmitry documented them ?); sadly I can't find them any more - can
> anyone point me to these recommendations  ?

Result #1 at http://dmitry-dulepov.com/search.html?tx_mnogosearch_pi1[q]=eclipse

> Second thing:
> What subversion plugin is recommended for eclipse ?

Not the question that I can answer but since some time I prefer console. On my Mac I also use SynchroSVNClient (separate app), which is good for visual diff.

My reasons for using console are quite simple. I use symbolic links to link core to the project. SVN clients in Eclipse does not work with that, they require the full project to be in SVN. Therefore I use a command line SVN client. I created aliases in my ~/.bash_profile like:

alias "sci=svn ci"
alias "scd=svn diff"
alias "sup=svn up"

So if I need to update, I just do "sup" and it updates the source. I guess it should be possible to do "nohup sup &" and close the console while it updates but I keep the console open all the time...

> Should I document the answers on
> http://wiki.typo3.org/Eclipse_Integration ?

Yes but as a summary, please :) This will be more readable and usable than quotes.

Dmitry Dulepov
In the TYPO3 blog: http://dmitry-dulepov.com/article/slides-from-my-talks-at-t3dd09.html
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