[TYPO3-dev] Wrong timezone handling

Dan Osipov dosipov at phillyburbs.com
Mon May 4 19:30:23 CEST 2009

If its stored correctly, then where is the bug?

The reason for the complexity is that this allows clients from different 
timezones work on a server, and the server will maintain correct 
timestamps. They will also be displayed correctly to the clients.

I don't have time to step through it again, but when I did, I determined 
that it was working correctly. The logic of it is really twisted, and 
that's because there are so many cases that need to be accounted.

Dan Osipov
Calkins Media

Vladimir Podkovanov wrote:
> Dan Osipov wrote:
>> Yes, I checked form data before it was submitted to the server, and 
>> also stepped in with a debugger in TCE processing where date field is 
>> offset. After everything is done date is stored correctly.
>> I use FF.
> Well, I also use FF and it sends UTC+TZ+TZ from FF to server.
> You right, that it is _stored_ correctly, but it _sends_ incorrectly.
> Pls, let see again :)
> 1. how should be:
> SERVER ==(UTC + serverTZ)==> DB
> 2. how it is working now:
> CLIENT ==(UTC + 2*clientTZ)==> SERVER
> SERVER ==((UTC + 2*clientTZ) - serverTZ)==> DB
> IF serverTZ and clientTZ are the same then in both cases you will get 
> UTC+TZ in DB, so the bug is not clearly visible. It will be obvious if 
> client and server TZ differs.
> Can you please write you timezone and write timestamp from raw POST 
> data. I want to sort out if it is real bug or whatever.

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