[TYPO3-dev] #10779: Alignment Error in TCEforms with Palette title --palette--; myTilte

Stefan Geith typo3dev2008.nospam1 at geithware.de
Thu Mar 26 09:54:36 CET 2009

Hi Steffen,

Steffen Kamper schrieb:
> Hi Stefan,
> the palette is used to be an additional container for extra options to 
> one field, so it doesn't make sense imho to use these 1-1-1-formats.

Maybe it doesn't make sense, but this it should render correct anyway ;)

In my case it makes sense, because the palette
a) contains 'canNotCollapse'=>1
b) has some small fields that are rendered to _one_ line
    instead of many lines with only single small input-fields

So using a palette is the only way to have more than one field in a 
single line.
At least: I don't know another way to lineup more than one field into a 
single line (=row). Or is there a way ?

And I think this is one of these cases where palettes can increase 

> vg Steffen


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