[TYPO3-dev] Create and login temp user

Sebastian Gebhard s.gebhard at markenmotiv.de
Thu Mar 12 15:06:01 CET 2009

Peter Russ schrieb:
> Just check the auth service: that's the rightway to do -> tx_sv_auth

Maybe this is not the best solution but it works:

function forceLogin(){
		$time = time();
		$user = array(
		    'pid' => $this->conf['feUserPid'],
		    'tstamp' => $time,
		    'crdate' => $time,
		    'username' => $this->fl_username(),
		    'password' => $this->fl_password(),
		    'usergroup' => $this->conf['feTmpUserGroupId']
		$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery('fe_users', $user);
		$params = array(
			'logintype' => 'login',
			'pid' => $this->conf['feUserPid'],
			'user' => $user['username'],
			'pass' => $user['password'],
			$this->prefixId.'[redirect_url]' => 
		$url = $this->pi_getPageLink($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id, '', $params);
		header('Location: '.t3lib_div::locationHeaderUrl($url));

and in the main() of my extension:

$returnUrl =  $this->piVars['returnUrl'];
	header('Location: '.t3lib_div::locationHeaderUrl($returnUrl));

So there are two redirect, the first for login and the second to remove 
username and password from the get params.

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