[TYPO3-dev] Extend RealUrl / fixedPostVars

Dmitry Dulepov dmitry at typo3.org
Tue Mar 10 14:48:25 CET 2009


Georg Ringer wrote:
> The array is holding currently 62 page IDs. Is there any performance
> issue using so many fixedPostVars?

No. It just takes more memory but not really decreases performance. At least not any significant comparing to any single database query :)

> - How can I set the page IDs better avoiding adding the id manually
> every time?


> Is there a hook I can use?

No hooks exist but I can add them. Just write what you need. I guess a hook in the beginning of encoding and decoding functions should do, right?

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core team

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